Multicultural Festival embraced eMbrace!

Multicultural Festival embraced eMbrace!

Multicultural Festival embraced eMbrace!

Anticipation builds and the excitement grows as our Multicultural Festival gets closer and closer. Yet another spectacular, amazing and energizing Multicultural Festival themed eMbrace took place between 10th and 14th December. Without a doubt, this is the most favorite event in our school calendar. The school glows with the smiles and energy of the students and teachers. The song Waving Flag can be heard throughout the school. eMbrace is the theme for this year’s Multicultural Festival. An initial reading of the title would make you think of the definition of the word embrace as holding (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection. In fact, the word “eMbrace” means more than that in our context. The capitalized letter “M” in the word “eMbrace” refers to Minorities and the idea behind this is to infuse our students with the value that we have different kinds and forms of minorities in our pluralistic society. Hence, it becomes very important for us to respect, accept and appreciate the minorities by embracing their differences. This week will be marked with list of exciting events for our big family to celebrate our theme “eMbrace” in our Multicultural Festival.

Since 2003, we have initiated the Multicultural Education Curriculum to serve as one of the key learning areas aiming at establishing an environment of ‘Harmony with Diversity’ for all our students. We treasure the uniqueness of our ‘Ethnic-Rich’ background and tradition and we are to nurture students’ appropriate values and attitudes for living in this ‘Global Village’. Our unique multi-racial environment allows us to put extra effort in guiding our students learn to be a modern civic citizen of a world of ‘Harmony with diversity’.

Students were given a platform to reflect on how they would apply their cultural responsiveness and embed our Multicultural Values in the array of activities such as eMbrace Comic Con, eMbrace Cultural Visits, eMbrace Delian Dodgers, eMbrace Fashion Day, eMbrace taste of flavors and eMbrace Variety Show and School Dance. Not to forget, during the week, the school was filled with the festive ambience, exhilarating participation by all stakeholders, pulsating music and more. So stay tuned for Multicultural Festival 2019!

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