Hip Wo’s new year “eMbrace” begins!!!

Hip Wo’s new year “eMbrace” begins!!!

Hip Wo’s new year “eMbrace” begins!!!

Yes, you read it right. The Hip Wo’s New Year aka Multicultural Festival begins. During lunch time at 1pm today, our dancers made up of lock and pop; K-pop and Bangra themed eMbraced and kicked-off the opening ceremony at Delia Piazza. A jubilant and exhilarated “Aw-Haw” chant were heard across the campus.

eMbrace is the theme for this year’s Multicultural Festival. An initial reading of the title would make you think of the definition of the word embrace as holding (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection. In fact, the word “eMbrace” means more than that in our context. The capitalized letter “M” in the word “eMbrace” refers to Minorities and the idea behind this is to infuse our students with the value that we have different kinds and forms of minorities in our pluralistic society. Hence, it becomes very important for us to respect, accept and appreciate the minorities by embracing their differences. This week will be marked with list of exciting events for our big family to celebrate our theme “eMbrace” in our Multicultural Festival.

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