學生作品結集出版 學習成果匯聚展示
學生作品結集出版 學習成果匯聚展示
學生作品結集出版 學習成果匯聚展示
1%的異性戀(2014-2015年度 香港學校戲劇節得獎作品-傑出合作獎、傑出導演獎、傑出演員獎)
Hip Wo Speaks It (A Collection of The 66th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival Winners)
Student Writing Album (English Language)
我從小學開始就對排球有濃厚的興趣。打排球可以舒緩緊張的情緒,又可以幫助我減壓,暫時忘卻一切學習的煩惱。打排球的時候,我會全神貫注在和隊友合作上。有排球比賽時,我們會不惜一切的去操練……(Habib Aqsa/4A1〈我的課外活動〉)
為了共建一個融和的校園,大家都要合作,要認識和接受不同的人。我認為要建立一個融和的校園,最重要的東西就是要尊重和接受。在我的學校裏有很多不同國家文化和宗教的人,但我們都可以相處得開心……(Chandrasekar Bhavani/3D1〈齊建共融校園〉)
It all started on that night, Thursday, January 12 2015,which was a chilled night. I took a night routine walk around the city. After passing by a few districts, I came to a stop. A man stopped me and asked me what I thought about Planet Earth’s future.It was so awkward and weird for me to answer, so all I did was to walk away, laughing.……(Balanquit Emyr John Tobias/4A1”Short Story-A Glimpse of the Future”)
All in all, I watched this film and I lesrnt four truth things of life.Firstly, it lets me realize the family affection is precious and powerful for us. Although I have no sister and brother, I think my mother, father and grandmother also need my concern. Family is most valuable for us. Only parents can support us at anytime. Secondly, we should lesrn to help people who have difficulties. As a result, we may get the unexpected return like Olaf getting his cloud of winter allowing him to live comfortably even in summer.Thirdly, girls cannot believe unfamiliar boys easily. We should not judge anyone by the appearance.Lastly, we should not discriminate people who are different from us like Elsa being discriminated by other people.(席月莹/4D”Frozen”)
學生作品集 http://www.deliahw.edu.hk/library/Student_Writing_Album.htm
表演及比賽作品 http://www.deliahw.edu.hk/library/Student_Writing_Album.htm#DVD