Alumni Felix Xing shared his recent study experience in Taiwan

Alumni Felix Xing shared his recent study experience in Taiwan

Alumni Felix Xing shared his recent study experience in Taiwan

Felix Xing is one of our graduates this year, who is now studying Applied Japanese in Ming Chuan University of Taiwan. Being a freshman, it is perfectly understandable for him to experience difficulties in an unfamiliar environment. We can get a better understanding of his anxiety through reading his letter when he first attended college in Taiwan. (See Appendix 2)

Appendix 2:Letter from alumni Felix Xing (11/9/2015)




對於這幾天的生活,我倒是適應的很快,很多負面的情緒都已經煙消雲散,反而對開學及這個學校的生活充滿了期待,唯一困難的是,學校會收一些年級康樂費、書本及居留證等的費用,這些都出乎了我原先的預算,我唯有買很多方便麵存在衣櫃吧!  好了,這次就先和校長和老師們分享到這裡,謝謝你們!

*This letter is only an extract of the original piece. If non-Chinese speaking students would like to understand the letter, please contact the editor.