The initiation of co-curricular activities and extended curriculum in 2015/16

The initiation of co-curricular activities and extended curriculum in 2015/16

The initiation of co-curricular activities and extended curriculum in 2015/16

The 3rd week of September marked the initiation of co-curricular activities and extended curriculum. Co-curricular activities (also known as extracurricular activities), together with the regular curriculum, aim at expanding students’ learning experience and promoting life-wide learning. In terms of organizational structure, the co-curricular activities are divided into 5 main categories, namely academic clubs, uniform teams and community service teams, school representatives, interest clubs and autonomous student organizations, with more than 58 in total.

Regarding the extended curriculum, it caters for students’ diversity through approaches of elites catering, foundation enhancing as well as content diversification. The major areas are Chinese, English and Math, with so far over 37 curricula such as Chinese language, English language, Math, Olympic Math, Putonghua, Cantonese, French and literature creation. (For details of co-curricular activities and extended curriculum, please refer to the school website)