Our students helps the ICAC to promote anti-corruption among ethnic minorities

Our students helps the ICAC to promote anti-corruption among ethnic minorities

Our students helps the ICAC to promote anti-corruption among ethnic minorities

There are 400, 000 to 500, 000 citizens of ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong. Owing to the differences in terms of language and culture, their alertness of corruption is relatively lower and they are prone to corruption traps. Recently, Ashi Barbar (Pakistani) and Rana Simichhya (Nepalese) of our school participated in the ‘Anti-corruption Education for Ethnic Minorities Pilot Scheme’. Through the activity, not only do they obtain a thorough understanding in terms of the culture of honesty in Hong Kong, the negative impacts of corruption as well as the anti-corruption laws, but they also spread the message of anti-corruption to their peers through volunteering and being the tour guide of the ICAC Main Building. Their sharings to the Sing Tao Daily and the South China Morning Post are as follows:

“Before joining the programme, I wasn’t aware of corruption in Hong Kong and I hadn’t heard of the ICAC……This was a good learning experience for me and I learned many communication skills” (Ashi Babar 6A1)

“I wanted to gain a wider knowledge of society……I now better understood how the ICAC has helped the city’s development”(Rana Samichhya 5C)