De-facto Art Gallery in Hip Wo

De-facto Art Gallery in Hip Wo

De-facto Art Gallery in Hip Wo

Have you noticed a de-facto art gallery along staircases 1 and 2? Have you wondered who the creators are?

Yes, our Visual Arts (VA) students. Contrary to our simplistic belief that VA is a subject which is limited to sketching, painting and making some artifacts, actually, there is much more to that.

Our VA students go through a very artistic learning journey and not only sitting for an examination. In their three years, the students have to compile a portfolio that consists of a research workbook and an artwork/critical studies. For the former, the students present their art appreciation and criticism while for the latter, they have to produce four pieces of work of their selected theme which can come in any media, materials, skills and techniques for the production of their artwork.

We believe that VA gives students more than a creative outlet, in fact it can help connect our students to the larger world, ultimately improving their community cohesion. If readers agree with the point, please visit the gallery. You may contact Miss Kwok and Miss Pang to actually see the real artifacts.







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