Developing students’ advanced English mastery through Of Mice and Men

Developing students’ advanced English mastery through Of Mice and Men

Developing students’ advanced English mastery through Of Mice and Men

Given the rich “multilculturalingual” environment in our campus, we are blessed with a linguistically rich environment for our Hipwoers to master their languages. Hence, our English language learning addresses the needs of different groups in the school. Steinbeck’s work Of Mice and Men is currently the novel being appreciated by a group of students through series of after-school activities such as reader-circle.

The English department aims to make these students gain familiarity with the background and content of Steinbeck’s work as well as the techniques employed by him in his influential work; get the students to articulate an informed personal response in a clearly written piece of work that not only demonstrate their critical and analytical skills but also express themselves freely, informally and imaginatively in in its literary significance to issues of importance in contemporary culture.



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